Finally, this is the last post of this first thematic week. I hope you have enjoyed the theme and now I'm open to whatever theme you would like to see here next month! This last post includes a small tribute to one of the most famous pin ups ever, Bettie Page who was a beautiful woman with amazing curves and sexy attitude :)
After the picture you'll find more recommendations and some links to shops with excellent pin up themed clothing just in case you want to keep on forward with this style. I must say that all the shops haven't paid me anything, I just recommend them because I like their products!
Final mente aquí está el último post de la semana temática sobre las pin ups y su estilo. Espero que os haya gustado el tema elegido y que me déis alguna idea sobre que temas os gustaría que tratase el mes que viene! Este post incluye un pequeño homenaje a una de las pin ups más famosa, Bettie Page. Una mujer guapísima, con curvas de infarto y una personalidad sexy y atrevida :)
Después de la siguiente imagen encontraréis las últimas recomendaciones y links a tiendas en las que podréis continuar comprando el estilo pin up si os habéis hecho fans de él. He de decir que para nada estoy afiliada a ninguna tienda o me han pagado para darles publicidad, simplemente encuentro que tienen productos bonitos y que tal vez os guste pasaros!
Well, as you have seen is a high maintenance look if you want to keep it as an everyday look, but is also playful if you just want to put on some high heels and a retro dress with a cat eyeliner. I recommend this style specially tu curvy girls since is very flattering to that types of bodies. Don't be afraid of changing and try it some day, even just on a retro bikini for going to the pool, I'm sure you won't regret it! :)
Como habéis visto, es un look que requiere bastante mantenimiento si lo llevas a diario, pero también es divertido cambiar de vez en cuando, ponerte tacones altos, una falda de vuelo y los labios rojos! Recomiendo este estilo especialmente a las chicas con curvas pues favorece muchísimo y disimula las caderas anchas, especialmente las faldas y vestidos con vuelo. No tengáis miedo y probarlo algún día, aunque sea un simple bañador de estética retro para ir a la piscina, seguro que no os arrepentiréis! :
Finally, here I let you some webpages where you will be able to find some beautiful pin up clothes, from lingerie to shoes, including dresses and swimwear!
Finalmente, aquí os dejo varias páginas web donde podréis encontrar ropa de estilo pin up, desde ropa interior hasta zapatos, incluyendo vestidos y bañadores!
Qué post tan chulo!
ResponderEliminarHenar ♥
i adore your blog! its so unique and cute! would you mind checking out my blog? also do you want to follow each other? let me know(:
Hi Marta! Thank you for stopping by and leaving such as sweet comment!
ResponderEliminarI love everything retro, you know everything was so real back women, like Betty Page for example! Love it. I have seen the other posts you did, about Dita von Teese and ALexa do an AMAZING job over here, let me tell you,, this blog feels like an online magazine of its own! Keep it up!
P.S. I am already following! :)
Aww I love your blog! Finally someone with a love for pin ups lol :)
ResponderEliminarWanna follow each other?
Marta thanks for your comment :)
ResponderEliminarthe tee is by,Happines is a 10$ tee :))
It's so amazing, really?
kisses :*
Si tengo tiempo mi próximo outfit de final de semana será un poco pin-up...ssssshhhht no se lo digas a nadie!!!
¡me encanta!
Besos rojos ;-)
Betty Page was so beautiful and sexy!!! I don't think I could pull off any of those looks...especially after the two babies! I wish though.
hola! gracias por tu comentario. ahora
ResponderEliminarsoy tua follower..te espero =)
Great post! Betty was indeed such a beauty! :)
este estilo es precioso aunq yo no lo use me gusta en las demas jij
the middle picture in black in white , is Extraordinary ,she had some well structured legs
ResponderEliminarthanks for your comment, I explained how to do it in my post, have a look;) thanks, i'm already following you
i love this post because pin up were real women and their curves were soo beautiful..this was the real feminilty...great blog lady!!!Would u come and follow mine if u like it??i'll do the same backk..i'd be happy to follow each other..let me know..i wait u!
ResponderEliminarkiss from Milan!
Patchwork à Porter
ME ENCANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GENIAL el post!!! rollo pin-up con curvas total!! genial!!!
ResponderEliminarTe sigo!!
I'm sorry to see the end.... : ( What a great series and I love this final montage. Bettie Page is wildly hot, FAB post!