Today I bring to you a shopping list with affordable items since I'm not a person who can afford to buy a Chanel bag or a pair of Louboutin shoes every week ( I whish I could! lol) but still I look in the market for nice things that my pocket can handle and still manage to look glam! Lately I've fell in love with these 8 items I've pictured below :) After the image you must click to keep reading so you'll be able to get the links to buy them. I hope you like it!
Hoy os traigo una lista de compras con precios razonables ya que no soy una persona que pueda permitirse comprar un bolso de Chanel o un par de Louboutins cada semana (ojala pudiera! :D) pero aun así busco cosas en las tiendas que mi bolsillo pueda abarcar sin problemas y que aun así parezca de lo mas glamouroso! Últimamente me han llamado especialmente la atención estos 8 accesorios, camisetas, etc que presento en la imagen debajo :) Hacer click sobre seguir leyendo para ver los links para comprarlos. Besitos!
1. Who can resist a trendy transparent bag when is so affordable and has my name! ;)
2. H&M brings us a pretty jacket for this cold spring afternoons with a really pretty Chanel touch!
3. I love Benefit products! and Sugarbomb is a beautiful everyday blush with a delicious name!
4. Yomime is a spanish brand that I've recently discovered and instantly fell in love with this skull bracelets!
5. Satchel bags are so pretty! And I think that this option by Aldo is an affordable choice :)
6.Sprin afternoons have arrived and Frapuccinos are sooooo good that I can't resist to them when the hot weather arrives!
7. I really like Chanel nail polishes and I've found this tee and instantly wanted it :)
8. With the summer just around the corner, this necklace just makes me remember the walks next to the sea!
Marta me estoy leyendo tus últimos post!!
ResponderEliminarPero me he estancado en este que no puede dejar de mirar el bolso y las pulseras!!
:) :)
Te sigo desde ya!!
Un besazo!